YAQ: Personality and Location?

Sep 27, 2005 10:37

Via aedifica and rillaspins

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Your personality type is RCUAI
You are moderately reserved, calm, moderately unstructured, accommodating, and intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Washington DC, Oklahoma City, Raleigh/Durham, Louisville, New Orleans, Greensboro, Austin, Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver and these international countries/regions Luxembourg, Iceland, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Slovenia, Netherlands, Greece, Puerto Rico, Denmark, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Ireland
What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
City Reviews at CityCulture.org

As if I'd care to live in a city of any size.

Since this is behind a cut, let's take a look at RCUAI:

why go _toward_ trouble?

often late
I tend to show up early, actually.


rarely prepared
No. But seldom prepared as well as I'd like.

True, but don't cross me.

slow to judge others
I do have a high threshold. Once someone crosses it, though, they need more than a feeble apology to recover. They need to _earn_ another chance.

I can be.

unconcerned with image


avoids crowds
Very much so.

easy going

not demanding

low maintenance

But not unmotivated. There is a difference.

not domineering


thinks before acting

concerned with the feelings of others
Up to a point. There's no harm in being polite - but there's no need to carry it to extreme, either. I have no sympathy for those who complain about their self-inflicted (not accidental) wounds.

not wild and crazy

not controlling

does not like to show anger
I don't like to. I can, but I don't like to.

hard to offend
Again, a high threshold, but once crossed redemption must _earned_.

dislikes the spotlight
Generally. It's a matter of whose terms it is on. The less control I have of a situation, the less I like it. Being thrust into things makes me cranky and EXTREMELY uncooperative. I *will* try to sabotage any such effort.

uninterested in leading
Richard Feynman had a great term for this, "active non-involvement," meaning avoiding (there's the avoidant thing) the things you'd hate if there are others who actually wish to do them and are capble of doing them right. That's not irresponsibility, it's getting out of the way.

not competitive
Many things are fun, until they become a contest. This is why riding a bike is okkay, but a race is anti-fun for me.

overly nice
Am I?

not physically affectionate with most people
I could ascribe this to lack of opportunity... but I expect I do come off as 'distant' even I do not mean to. It's more uncertainty than anything. And in today's paranoid world, I'm not taking chances.

not bothered by disorder
Not *too* bothered, but there are times when things do need to be cleaned up and properly arranged.

level emotions
I'd certainly think so.

does not second guess self
Generally. There are exceptions.

agnostic/atheistic tendencies

not picky about food
That depends on who you ask. I'm willing to attempt to try most things. But that second time could be a *very* hard sell if I found the first time unpleasant.

not relationship obsessed

I disagree.

I must be, considering how often I'm ignored and such.

plain in appearance
I think so. I also consider this a feature.

I can be. But every mess is in its place, at least.

This word has such a bad connotation. But I don't care for crowds, so going it alone works if that's what is needed.

lower energy level
Generally. I'm not overly active, I'll grant.

very curious
I think so.

uninterested in prestige/fame
A friend of mine would say, "When we're rich and famous..." and I'd tell him I wasn't interested in fame, but the rich might be useful.

not superficial
I certainly think so.

likes difficult reading material
It's not that difficult if you're interested in it.

does not get worked up about most things
Pretty much.

That sounds so... irresponsible. I don't have any phobias, just a respect for things. Most supposedly dangerous things are not really dangerous. Stupidity is the dangerous thing.


Once that trust is earned, yes. And if that trust broken, expect never to really be trusted again. There may be some means of earning it back, but it's probably the most difficult thing of all to recover.

does not stick to plans
Actually, I tend to stick to plans - just not blindly so. If I think it's a bad idea, though, the Plan can go [EXPLETIVE DELETED].

easily distracted
I suppose so.

interested in science

unconcerned that people have trouble reading them
A little concerned. Sometimes it's annoying to be misunderstood, especially when I make things as plain or as specific as I think I can without losing anything.

a good loser
This isn't so simple. I don't like it, and if I think there's been any switch (rules not being what I had come to expect them to be) then there will be bitterness. An honest loss I can deal with.

I'd think so, wouldn't I?

not swayed by emotions
Emotional appeals annoy me. No matter how much emotion is displayed, it doesn't change facts. And facts are what the world has to deal with. "The seriousness of the charges.." is pure emotional appeal. Anyone can make a serious charge. Can that serious charge be backed up with facts? That's the important thing.

Taking a look at "Inquisitive"...

more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family
I suppose.

detaches to analyze factors from multiple perspectives
Sometimes it's hell to be able to see more than one side of things.

regularly uses ideas and tools to transform understanding
Er, and who doesn't?

enjoys playing with random interconnections between ideas and patterns
I suppose.

would describe self as a nerd in high school

likes science fiction
Alas, there's so little *good* science fiction. There's a remarkable amount of fantasy and horror trying to pass itself off as science fiction.

To much so, it feels like at times.

good at fixing things
No, will not fix your cat. But I would generally rather repair than replace. That is becoming and less and less possible. Fortunately it also becoming less and less necessary.

more comfortable around adults as a child
Very true.

feels both special and defective
And not in the sense that 'special' has come to mean 'defective'. I've been accused of an air of superiority but that wasn't the case. I simply (and stupidly) figured the person/people I was talking to could understand what I was saying as well as I could. That sounds egotistical, I know. But I don't think of myself as Wile E. Coyote, Soooper-genius - I just have learned that I can't count on being understood. It took me a long time to figure that out, alas.

knows the darkside of life well
I know some aspects of this. I do not pretend know the worst of it.

is not bothered by going long periods without speaking with people
Not really bothered, no.

more intellectual than sensual
I suppose.

can be bitter
Yes, but it needs to be earned - and it's hard to earn (that high threshold thing again). It's even harder to earn a way out of it.

problem solver
I like to think so. I hate *managing* problems. I want them *solved* so they stay solved.

relys on mind more than on others
I suppose so. But then I never understood why anyone would do other than 'Think first, then do'.

driven by curiosity
Pretty much.

feels best when working
Yes. Do nothing isn't easy, really. I feel like I should be doing something, even if I don't know what that something is.

Pretty much. Not to an absolute, but I don't see the point of excess. I want comfort and maybe a bit more, but have no great desire for opulence.


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