Listened to a bit on the radio while driving about around noon. There was a show discussing war, whether it is a necessary evil, or unneeded madness, and how changes in weapons affect point of view. All that was not what set me off, however. It was a simple phrase or two that did. I've heard the idea before and it's always struck me as wrong.
One phrase was "God-like power" and the other was "power of life and death." The other phrasing, "life or death" is a bit more correct, but still jarring for the same reasons.
Now, if one assumes an omnipotent God, then as this God is omnipotent, this God can do anything (I'm leaving paradoxes out, of course). This includes both creating and restoring life. Creating life, here, does not mean mere reproduction. It means creating a living thing from stuff that never was alive before. Breathing life into clay and all that. Restoring life is raising the dead.
Humans, so far, have not either ability. We've been "banging the rocks together" for some considerable time and the best we can do is tamper with something already alive. Creating a "new life form" made the news a bit ago, but even there it was start with a working system and replace a few bits of the internal machinery. This not creation; it is surgery. It is extremely advanced surgery, but still nothing more than that. And this with an organism consisting of a single cell!
Nevermind a new life form. How about making, from scratch, a copy of one that exists? Ever try to build to cat? Too complicated? How about a worm? Heck, how about a single-celled bacterium? How do you build a cell wall? We honestly don't know yet. Some people have ideas, but the facts are not yet fully known. Is there a nucleus? All the fiddly bits that aren't wall or nucleus?
Too much? Well, how about trying restoration instead of creation? Take one dead anything. An anything that's been dead for, oh an hour or so, not just knocked out. Make it live. Just one more day of a normal life for that thing. A measly 24 hours. Stuck? Of course you are!
Go look at hospital life support systems and the like. What do you find? Perhaps the peak of technology and the pinnacle of human creation. Immense learning and effort going into things to preserve life. Expensive, tested, analyzed, re-tested, re-inspected, multiply-redundant machines. And for all that, what do they do? They extend an existing life for a short time - falteringly and unreliably. The best systems can't do anything more than keep a few organs going through the motions, or simulating the organs going through the motions.
People don't have the "power of life and death." People can cause death, or choose not to cause death. They cannot undo death. They cannot create life. Maybe one day that will change, but right now, today, people aren't gods. People can do some amazing things. Some that once seemed impossible, or even unimaginable, some that seem downright miraculous, but the power of life is not among them. Not even for a lousy single-celled bacterium, nevermind something as complicated as a flower, and forget about the hideously intricate and complicated thing we call a person.