Okkay, so that IE is harfy isn't exactly news to anyone. At least it can be hammered, clobbered, and bludgeoned into not being as stupidly wide open as the defaults it arrives with would have it.
But doing that results in it whining about that having been done to it. I turned off ActiveX stuff for a reason, damnit. Let it be off! No. In its
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Comments 8
Open Source - Chimera, which is based on Mozilla, and Mozilla itself
Shareware - Opera
Commercial - iCab, OmniWeb
Apple - Safari (public beta released yesterday!)
My Mac OS X 10.1 operating system load came only with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac, but since installing Chimera, I haven't touched Internet Explorer. At least on the Mac I can truly drag and drop the IE executable right into the trash without worrying about the underlying technology hanging around.
I just installed Safari. There is actually a "bug" button right on the toolbar so that I can submit a trouble report with a particular page. The browser is based heavily on the KDE Project's open source Konqueror browser, and Apple has committed to passing technology changes back to the KDE Project. It's not perfect right now; Chimera can handle Hotmail, but Safari cannot.
The Mac OS doesn't do ActiveX controls, but I presume you would consider that a feature. ;-)
At home I use Opera, pretty much whatever the platform is. I might try the linux browsers again once I have a faster linux box. They all felt slow (or seemed to have the wrong feature set...) last I tried. If I *must* use IE, I do have the Avant thing that uses the IE stuff but a better feature set. Alas Avant has a nasty problem here when I tried it - forms didn't work.
Jay showed me Safari on his iMac. Looks fairly nice, but I'd really want tabs, at least. I really have grown to loathe single-window only browsers, and not just IE (one thing Avant tries to fix). Of course I don't have any Mac hardware anyway, so it really doesn't matter.
Oh, and not running a security hole and/or annoyance generator is certainly a feature.
Yes, every Mac news web site that has a message board has some complaint thread that Safari doesn't do tabbed browsing. Someone suggested using the bug-reporting feature to complain en masse. Someone else suggested that it's likely to show up in Safari since the feature now exists in Konqueror.
I'm not sure when the first mainstream tabbed browser came along, but the concept has caught on like wildfire. I would be inclined to say it's Opera, even though it's a slightly different execution of the concept. Mozilla certainly brought it to the fore with the open-source crowd.
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