You turn your back for a second...

Jun 02, 2010 21:22

And all heck breaks loose.

Its been a few days since I was puttering around the plot, but I guess its like watching a kettle boil:The good stuff happens when you're not looking.

The squash and beans have come up in the Three Sister beds:

The cilantro bolted and some is in flower:

(and yes - some I'm just going to let it run to seed and try and harvest coriander later.)

The Kentucky Wonder beans are climbing like rabid monkeys up the back fence:

and there are TOMATOES on three of the varieties in the garden.

Its like some sort of drunken frat party out there, I swear.

Plot8: I love you. You inspire me. You frighten me. You delight me. You make me tired. I can't imagine life without you.

squash, three sisters, beans, tomatoes, herbs

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