Feb 14, 2009 03:19
I find her in the dimmest room
Her cloak of crystals still nearly to bright to look upon
Upon approach she turns to me
With such a beauty I am struck motionless
With every breath she takes
Her prismatic cloak shimmers anew
You've found me.
Her voice is rich and mellow -
It sounds like the Wailing Wall feels at sundown.
She holds out threads of her dazzling train,
Answering my question before it is asked:
Each lover separated by time and distance
Each family longing for a lost soul
Each regret of someone who has not lived enough
Each of them delivers unto me their tears
Its not a burden I would wish on anyone
It only gets heavier with time
Once shed, a tear cannot be replaced -
Merely redressed.
I am silent as she takes my hand
But it isn't bad
Each tear that adds its weight to me
Only means I must be stronger to bear it.
And no, before you ask,
I do not have all of them.
I would not begrudge the rightful their due:
Streams cutting down through dusty cheeks of cleaning out Mom's Home
Ink and scented paper full of memories
Gravestones fresh or ancient
Pillows of the newly heartbroken
Fists swiped in haste to cover unwanted stubborn grudges
But some get through
at least
they meet -
The lovers intertwine in diamonds
The sisters wind their salt together
The hankies, rags, and bedclothes all dry a little faster
Love has hers,
Joy has more -
And Anger has collected many a dangerous glitter.
I take only what is given in my name.
She begins retreating to deeper gloom
Ablaze and slowly fading
Like a Viking ship carrying its final cargo.