...back into yay!
Have another interview on Monday, with a company that is My Kind of Place, for a job that will require me to learn some heavy-duty stuff really fast, and allow me to build on my weird array of technical knowledge and apply it in new directions. Like, full-time, even.
Also, I am officially an actress once more! I just got the offer from
Claddagh Bing! to join the cast! It's a mostly improv based deal, go look at the website for more info. Oh, and it PAYS! Holy jumping flaky crabcakes, Batman.
Scheduled to work 30 hours in the next 3 days, and have two more gigs next week.
And my mood has been further enhanced by walks in my spring jacket the last two days. Oh, and my Dunkin Donuts card, which buys me coffee.
Now, pendulum, kindly take as long on THIS side of the line as you did on the other, K?
Today I also read, in entirety, First Meetings in the Enderverse, by Orson Scott Card.
Your quote of the day is from that fabulous book:
"It stinks, Ender, but you know that if they gave you five crippled midgets and armed you with a roll of toilet paper you'd win." -Bean