woke up feeling like butt today. Called out of work. Slept til about noon, finished my second library book, napped on the couch, had a lot of tea, watched some useless daytime fluff on TV. Took Cold-eaze and Emercen-C. Many fluids.
Feeling better, if still achey and kind of not-quite-in-sync-with-reality. Should be back at work tomorrow.
Also spemnt some time wasting on YouTube, watching Hygene movies from the 50's and 60's (and parodies thereof). Entertaining as hell, even if the laughting did make me cough.
Have I mentioned how awesome my hubby is? He picked up dinner and cold medicine and made me tea and is just generally the bestest boy ever.
Quote of the day is a picture I think
pamlin (and any other person who has had a large hand in planning/participating in a wedding) will appreciate: