Oct 29, 2007 22:56
Finished one of my two new books (Charlain Harris' Alltogether Dead) last night. Since I interrupted another book (Tom Robbins' Just Another Road Side Attraction) to read it, I need to go back to that one before I read my other new book (Grave Surprise, also by Ms. Harris).
Halloween is nearly here, which makes me happy! Yay for spooooky things and weird people and just plain YAY!
Red Sox won the sereis. Yay! I know, I am not a sports-fan person, but I'm happy. because they can read your thoughts and will KNOW if you aren't and they'll find you The Red Sox do not have fans, they have acolytes.
Tomorrow I will either be carving a pumpkin, or doing one more scrap-book page. I'd say "Or maybe both", but that won't happen. Of course, if I carve the pumpkin, I can put him (I already know my pumkin is a him) outside to greet people! Oh, PLAN!
Your quote of the day is a bit of Halloween nostalgia, which some of my Hofstra pals will appreciate:
[Enter BOB, in scrubs and lab coat, rather gored-up, with coke-bottle glasses]
ME: Bob, what the hell are you supposed to be?
BOB: Well, I wanted to be the scariest thing I could come up with.
ME: Ah-hah. [pause] Aaaaand?
BOB: I decided to be a near-sighted gynocologist!
ME: [twitch]