Quotes tell the story.

Oct 12, 2007 17:59

All are quotes from today's conversations.

CLIFF: We need to bring in four more 4x8 flats for Pioneer.
ME: We don't want them.
CLIFF: Where's Amy?
ME: She won't want them either.[pause] *sigh* Wherever we have space.

ME: Jeanine? Do you have any Simple Green?
JEANINE: No...is there any in the closet?
ME: No.
JEANINE: What do you need it for?
ME: I'm cleaning the paint sink. It needs a breath mint.
JEANINE: Oh, eew.
ME: Eew indeed.
JEANINE: You were growing friends?
ME: BAD friends.

DEREK: Oooooh, Sno-balls!
JAMES: Glo-Balls! They're nuclear orange for Halloween.
DEREK: *sigh* Those things are never as deliscious as they look.

quotes, work

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