May 09, 2012 16:07
Update... i think its about time for one
I know we arent going to move from here for some time n i dont like to face that fact. I was saying start to look into moving by August at the earliest but bub will be a month old then n i know that wont be possible.
James and I are getting on ok he is keeping a diary of his moods n he lets me read it when he is ready for me to see it. It helps him get his feelings out n we dont get our wires crossed when talking n we talk about what he has written after.
He has booked n paid for his 3rd appointment at relate (next week) which he is going to this time. Last time he went to one appointment n decided he didnt need to go anymore which now he says it was the wrong thing to do.
They roughly say people need 6 appointments so he is almost half way through. They say i can make an input as well.
With bub we need to get 5 things before she arrives because we had most of it still from when Riley was born. Then just need to stock up on nappies n milk.
With the kitten i think it would be a nice addition to our home. I know what to expect with a new baby n a kitten i guess the same except it can feed itself. When Riley isnt here it will give me time to bond with it n then i can teach Riley to. Bub will spend most of her time sleeping in her moses basket n eating as Riley did bub wont be mobile till she is 5/6 months old; im more worried about Riley with bub than anything else. If we get the kitten then we will get a baby gate on the door leading to the kitchen so it can have an escape from Riley n everything else when it needs to.