Dec 14, 2011 20:30
this has been horrible
Today has been so hard
Ive had a headache all day rileys making a mess for the 3rd time
ive been feeling ill all day
Havent really eaten anything cause i feel like im gonna be sick
Riley has been climbing on me n jumping on me, pulled my hair.
Tried to go for the laptop, turning laptop on /off n my mobile which is all sticky n he has been hitting it repeatedly on the floor.
Pulled dvds out n all the baby wipes out the packet.
He has been moaning n stressing everytime i take something off him he shouldnt have.
He keeps putting the washing machine on error, n playing with the heaters on/off button
Also opening n slamming the door.
Everytime i say no he either smiles n carrys on or crys then stops n goes n does something else he shouldnt be doing.
My mind wants to explode, have had static messages from James ok fair enough he is working but it feels like he hasnt cared that much that this has been really hard for me today n Riley is still at it all.
It seems all i have done is said no to riley told him off n repeatedly shout out him n tidied up after him n stop him from doing things he shouldnt be doing.
Do you think this is lifes way of saying dont carry on cause you wont be able to cope. How can i look after Riley n a baby i have no help n no family/friends around.
All ive done today is be stressed so much that its even brought me to tears. What am i going to do?