Mar 15, 2005 23:46
Hey all,
I am not missing in action anymore. I am getting sick with the stomach virus but the new Neem bark vitamins I am taking to boost my imune system seem to be helping a great deal and 2 days later I am back to being 100% better. I had a fever and was starting to dehydrate very quickly. I founght it off by what I learned the last time this happend. I had my pump refilled and raised 15% on Monday and I have lost 60 lbs since last April. My doctors are thrilled at that and I actually have a waistline.
My sissyla and her man broke up which is half good and half bad. I am glad she is not being pressured anymore but I don;t want to see her sad. I am sure she will find the right man when the time is right and the man is right she just has to believe that. This was definately not the right one and I am glad it did not turn into a movie of the week. I am selfish though and I am glad I get to spend more time with my sister again cause I have missed that alot!
My mother is back from California and as I sit here and type this she is asleep in my guest room. She is leaving for Florida tomorrow morning and Ed is dropping her at the airport right down the street from our house at 4 am. She said I look very relaxed but truth be told it is because she has been away and not stressing me out. I love my mother I just wish I could get over the major resentment issues I have with her. I know you can't change the past but I have a hard time accepting it as well.
I miss all my lj friends and sorry I have been so distant from here for the past couple of months. I know people think I just have given up which is the furthest thing from the truth. I just had a very bad winter, worst in my life and since I have had rsd that is why I made my last post so you guys might understand what it is like for me each and every day.
So now I am off to bed with the love of my life. I will try to be more consistent. I still love you all you crazy bunch of friends and you are still in my thoughts.............SUE