Feb 07, 2005 23:31
Well as promised I am making time to update even though I did not get the chance to read anyone's journal today. I am sorry about that and I promise I will make a real concerted effort to start catching up on people tomorrow. I had a busy day today with the never ending phone that did not stop ringing and the door that people kept coming in and out. My day started when my friend Kathy called to get me up and ask me to type a news letter for her. I made my bed and brushed my teeth and she came over and made coffee. I did what I needed for her and then once she left I got Eed's lunch ready, fed him, did his dishes and started cleaning. I have to take frequent breaks as my foot is still really bothering me and today it was especially sensitive and tonight it is even worse.
Ofcourse I did not finish cleaning until around 7 when I finally took a shower and prepared Ed's dinner. Luckily the preparation was jusr reheating it as I have plenty of leftovers from this week end. Tonight I finished hooking up my dsl. I have a new email addy so if anyone wants it please let me know. I am shutting my old one off tomorrow after I change some things to the new one. I like the speed opf the dsl and the fact that I can talk on the phone while on the net and my phone is never busy. I just hate change and it is hard for me to break from any sort of routine I have had for a long time.
Hard to believe it 2 hours and 2 days I will be 40. It is consuming alot of my thoughts these days knowing I am approaching middle agedom. I never wanted to be old like my sissy-la but it appears I am catching up and I feel ancient. If one more person says to me "you are only as old as you feel" I will scream. People I feel 80 so that isn't working to help me cheer up lol.
Anyhow until tomorrow peeps have a great night and a just to let you know I am doing a cut to get rid of poeple who don;t have an ointerest in my journal but who are on my friends list if you want to stay but rarely comment let me know. If you comment all the time don't sweat it you are not going anywhere...............SUE