Aug 07, 2006 14:57
Squeee!!!!! Tomorrow we leave for LA...well technically we leave for Vancouver which is only an hour and a half away...our plane leaves at 7:00 am so we have to kip with my grandparents for the night. Ugh!!!!! and complete bollocky shite! I dislike my grandparents intensely...well my grandmother anyway. I love my granddad. She'll have a field day with my new hair. *pout* Well anyways, I have to go finish packing, and make sure everything is set (cat food ready for the neighboors, dog's leash is in the car for trip to doggy day camp -it really is a doggy day camp-, living room light is on all others off, etc)
But still fun! Even if I do have to be up at 3:30 am. O_o :D :D :D :D :D What do you think the chance is of me running into something Bowie related at Disney Land? ;D Maybe I'll find a record store! Woot! Alright, now I'm waiting for all of your lovely well wishes, goodbyes, I'll miss yous, etc. ;)