Oreo's Anime North 2006

May 31, 2006 13:08

Yes. It is here, the 83683469386986 Picture filled entry you've all been waiting for. This may not be Dial-Up friendly ladies and gentlemen. Proceed?


Click Pics to ENLARGE - Like a Penis.
Or go Here for viewing without Oreo's witty comments.


THIS PERSON ROCKED. She was the only Nobody/Heartless I've seen there and quite frankly, THE BEST. She even ran along like one and it was hilarious to watch - It really gave a feel of like " Omfg... NOBODY. Oh, no, just a cosplayer." KUDOS TO YOU, MY DEAR.

This kid; Awwwwwww. Come on, I know you're all thinking it.

A very crappy shot but still a Cloud and Aerith! Allie pounced into their path of direction for this one I believe, traces of horrid shock still mildly evident from their faces. Or atleast, the face behind them. (Actually that looks like the chick that stormed out of the KH Panel room because of a "Hate Kairi" discussion she didn't take too well to. That's coming up later. ;D)

Apparently Allie fails at being thy stealthy warrior Ninja, and had been tagged by the enemies.

Much like alot of our victims, these too have been pounced upon and caught in picture - Their little faces not exactly comprehending this newly popular phenomena. But yes, A Riku and Sora! I think they were afraid of us. Though I have to say, that Lulu in the back with the Ed (Red Coat) was hawt.

IT'S LOU! With Nintendo dudes. The system's so very old it might as well have been cardboard - CAVE MAN STYLE. Kudos to you guys. And Hi Lou! You as Cloud was dead seksi, buttseks?

A Kadaj I believe, and the first of 4986834837683476834768376 We've seen. KUDOS TO YOU FOR THAT, YOU WIN THE OREO AND ALLIE AWARD OF 2006 CHAMPIONSHIPS.

So it was a must to take a pic of every KH person we came along. Which reminds me, that one Organization guy on Friday I was supposed to take a pic of for a free meal but the camera's battery's ran out, YOU RAN AWAY. I TOLD YOU I'D COME AND FIND YOU AGAIN AND YOU RAN AWAY, DIDN'T YOU. I really didn't see him again. D:

Aw damn, we don't see the Oblivion Keyblade's detail. It was really interestingly done, both keyblades. KUDOS. Though I have to comment, wtf that head behind this cosplayer? First it looks bald, but where the shit does that hair come from? CONFUSED IS ME.

Those two were seriously the cute. LOVE the detail on that "Road to Dawn" Keyblade. (SPOILER DUN DUN.) Anyway, What amused me most about this duo was the Sora's Cell phone just kept going off, and 95% of the time we saw him, he was on his cell, chatting up his homies.. or his mother. "YOU DIDN'T COME HOME FOR SUPPER YOUNG MAN, YOU RAN OFF FOR THAT BOAT'S SAFETY AND SUDDENLY YOU'RE AT A CONVENTION?!"

A MARLUXIA. Well, atleast the Scythe and Lipgloss was right. Where are the petals? D: I really was disappointed that I didn't see so many Org people. Just a bunch of Axels and a Larxene. But the background people's faces in pics make up for these kinds of things - look how fucking lost they look HAHA. Which reminds me, THAT YELLOW PIKACHU THING CHICK WAS ONE OF THE 22+ PEOPLE THAT TOOK A PIC OF US!

LOVED this guy's T-Shirt. Also love his face in the pic; my words before this snapshot were "OH HELL YES, I'LL BUTTFUCK YOU FOR A PIC." and hence his facial expression was born. Now whether he liked this or was subconsciously thinking to hide out inside the gravitation bags he sold, we'll never know.

Nevermind the Kadaj, I TOTALLY WANTED A PIC OF THE KAASAN. Look at her, gorgeous as always. Aww. But yes, back to the Kadaj, probably the 837537th one we've seen, and I got to give him Kudos for being such a sweetie.

Now THIS was an interesting sight when you've been away from a computer for two days. HAHA Stealthy ninja is I, this one NEVER KNEW I took his pic - I damn well deserved it, chasing him down the Dealer's Room for 3.5 Minutes. >\

Blurred pic, wtf. Figures, Allie took it. Anyhow, ROXAS! KUDOS FOR BEING THE FIRST ROXAS WE SAW. And for getting the arm band on the right arm.

THIS IS BRENDAN - APPARENTLY HIS NAME IS JEREMY NOW? WTF. ANYWAY, More Pics > 1 2 3. Now THIS guy made INTERNET NEWS. Or someshit like that, people are still talking about you man. He has like 98563863968396895836 Videos on youtube like Right Here. When I first saw him, He was DIRTY DANCING on the side of the Highway. Of course, being the nut ass I am, I had to whistle him on and clap while pissing myself at the mental Images of the ACTUAL Sora dirty dancing. Him and I totally fangirled each other on Saturday morning when he saw Allie and I with the T-SHIRTS, and made each other's con. Seriously guys, CHECK HIM OUT ON YOUTUBE, his dancing is sex in a bottle. Back down the bait though, he's 15. :(

Now Apparently this was Sephiroth. No, I'm not being mean, we all know Sephiroth is a son of a bitch to pull off... In fact I'm a fan of horrible Sephiroth Cosplay okay, nothing cracks me up better. D: But this guy was real nice, so I'll just settle with... Nice sword? AND WHY THE SHIT IS A MOOGLE HANGING OUT WITH NARUTO?

This guy won at life. SRSLY. Never seen anyone cosplay FF7 Barett better.

We all know my actions are random, as well as a snapshot of this Kenpachi in particular. There were probably 965895689586 at that Convention. He was sitting on a couch when I first zeroed in on him, and that's when I knew. I just knew I was going to know the future and find myself getting a picture of him. So I did. OH LOOK, A SORA BEHIND HIM! ...And now that I look again posting this, doesn't that guy RIGHT behind him look exactly like him in a ghostly weird ass blurry creepy way? It's like a fucking out of body experience this guy is having right in front of my camera!

Har har, sorry, but that Axel I have a fixation with, srsly. At first I spotted this poor unsuspecting Roxas who seemed in Distress as his Axel was still stuck in the middle of the highway, waiting to cross. I did scream something about him burning or burning the vehicles - I don't really remember, I think sometimes I'm like stoned 98% of the time without having intoxicated myself with anything - but to no avail, Axel took 2 minutes before his crossing was safe. He just couldn't die like this, the original way was more heroic than for a picture with his Roxas for an asshat.

Now, find the defects in this picture. HAHA. That's right, you win; It's that kid in the window. Not a shitting clue what the hell that.. 1 Day? Or something meant, but I did see the sign - which is partially hidden by the poll - '< Hollow in Disguise' and found stupidity rather funny.

Aww this Roxas was so cute, and selling things too! No. I didn't buy anything. I'm an ass. D: THIS IS WHEN I WAS LOOKING FOR bushbaby_sama AT THE ART TABLES! Never found her wtf. Next year we'll need a map and each other's cell phone number.. Or we can just hang out downtown and go see a movie. :D

Another blurry picture. Allie, srsly, how do you do it? Anyway, a Riku and Sora eating Pocky! And some face on the right watching us, envying the pocky... Or Sora's ass.

SHUICHI! Another victim stalked and tackled upon for a picture. We waited for their purchase of $23.50 to be complete, and then went in for the kill snapshot.

This poor Kadaj, sitting peacefully and enjoying a muffin as we came up upon him, harassing him at camera point to "Stand and pose, and no one would get hurt." I still say he should have given us the middle finger in that, but alas, Kadaj missed his muffin most, eager to return to its warm side yet again.

Well isn't he a pwetty pwetty pwincess. :3

And another.

And another.
--I mean, whut? Sorry Storm Trooper, the princess is in another internet.

Kadaj #5683683569859687, how do you do? Plz cut that person's Tube hair with your sword.

A Cloud! Out of again, 95869346839468396489468938469386. But this one had its cell phone, Ha! Ready to be on call should Vincent need to call him again and warn his phone should not have Yuffie calling it because it's his. Are those two guys behind her Twins? Whatever they were looking at, it looked grand judging by their expressions. Maybe it was Brenda.

Speaking of Brenda, IT'S YOUR LONG LOST TWIN! Srsly, she looked exactly like Brenda, and therefore requested the hood of her Organization Cosplay to be down. Kudos to the guy's face in the back, just priceless.

Kairi, your boobs aren't stuffed tissues! HAHA. Oh yeah, we see that now. Anyway, Awwww SORA. ♥ Full pack grin and bratty attitude - That's the same Cell phone Sora actually, Who was STILL on the cell phone before this pic a day later. Found their Kairi! But Now Riku's missing again.. Probably off to see into his hula skirt for the Cosplay Show Awards. (That's what that whole lineup behind them was for, went all the way outside and curled the block for a few. We went out there to catch more unsuspecting prey - What better place, after all?)

Now when it comes to JRock cosplay, to be honest, I don't know shit. So to me, these guys look pretty impressive, especially the chick in the blue. HAHA On a sidenote of idiocy, I can't help but be amused at the sign that seems to point at the chick in Orange - and yes dude, I can still see your face back there, your fan is not invincible, sorry.

This guy - Which is rather stalkerish of me - I was overhearing talking with some of his friends about how his costume took hours and so on--and then lost concentration because his open naked chest just called to me for a picture. Yes, I am a pervert at heart ladies and gentlement, and therefore caught this lovely male on camera, and only now realize just what the hell he was cosplaying. Actually no, I don't. Dante didn't have a guitar, did he?
...Mm, Naked chest.

Hahaha.. Okay, I'm done. Hey look, I think that's kalikamaxwell's sister in the back!

The first and last Olette we ever saw. Or atleast.. I think that's an Olette. The pose is weird because I was sitting down and too damn lazy to get up, so sue me. D':

While sitting down, things got frisky as some bitchy security dude just came along like his ass was on fire from too many peens and just banshee-screamed for everyone to "SIT THE FUCK DOWN." Very professional. Anyway, this shot was taken before the place filled up with practically the whole population of New York, newly fresh confused people coming in also given those harsh words - no doubt breaking some frail hearts. However, this young man in front of us wins the Oreo and Allie award of ... Not quite sure yet, having stood a total of FIVE MINUTES just STARING at the guy BITCHING at him to sit the fuck down going "Uhhh... Why?" Over and over and over and over. Now I'm still undecided if I was amused or annoyed, but it was a nice way of passing time. Another shot Here before Mr. Smarty Pants' arrival, in which I'm not quite sure what female character this guy with the pink wig was cosplaying as, but he was totally believing his character like an RP marathon was actually what was going on here. Amused the hell out of me.

*What actually went down was a missing chick named Sarah Arnette or something, whom I never heard anything else about after the whole lockdown ended.

And THIS, is the aftermath. 72485734857384578572875 People everywhere and one lost handicapped man in his wheelchair. GREAT RUFUS COSPLAY YO. I mean, whut.

EMO AXEL! Now I'm not quite sure how this shot happened or who the hell that chick was - as I sent Allie chasing this guy for the pic while I stayed around somewhere, basically being a royal lazy ass - but it happened, and was most likely a defense mechanism to grab the closest person available to secretly whisper in their ear: "Okay, one shot and you help me get the fuck out, k?" But HA, to no avail, this poor young man was only encountered by ME a day later, who only molested his hips in our hug. (SMALL ASS HIPS DUDE, BUT DAYUM, LOOKIT FERIA'S OTHER SHOTS.)

CLOUD WITH TIM HORTON'S COFFEE. At this point in existence, Allie and I caught the retard disease, and Cloud with Tim Horton's was just WHOA. We needed this like buttseks needed lube. (Note: In Canada, Tim Horton's is like Dunkin Donuts. :3 )

THE BEFORE; Once upon a time there was a little Asian man who fell asleep on a couch at Anime North, and Oreo came along and STOLE his picture.

THE AFTER; 3 Hours later Oreo came back and SURPRISE, THE LITTLE ASIAN MAN WAS JUST WAKING UP. PICTURESNAP! Is it just me or did that bag just totally come out of nowhere? Wtf. Oh the wonders you can find in a couch these days. Anyway, I have no idea who this guy was or his name, but he was confused as hell by the complexity of my existence and highly uncalculative motives, I'll tell you that much.

Only "WTF" could have described this one. But later was understood that this little man was having contests with himself on how still he could stand and for how long he can keep looking like a nugget. On an immature perspective, haha doesn't it look like he's totally grabbing out for that funny looking guy's head? RAAAAWR!!

Once upon a time there was a little girl in a pink dress cosplaying Kairi walking the halls, spotted by us twats numerous times, it was the moment or never. TOTALLY GOT YOUR PICTURE LITTLE GIRL, HAHA. Behind we see the vast nature of humans in a disturbed hotel habitat, confused by what maniacs were dressing up for.

He was in the Gay Man Sex room! He fits the Oreo and Allie bill of new hot man people to snap up. Costume? What costume?

It's Squall! In front of his favorite store, caught red handed admiring that frilly blue hat, "contemplating buying it for Rinoa." Sure, Squall, sure.

Had to get these guys again. Yo, Lou is still with them... YOU WERE TOTALLY MACKING UP ON THEM WEREN'T YOU?! ADMIT IT, CARDBOARD SEX MAKES YOU HOT.

This room and I got to know each other a lot over the weekend, keeping our most intimate memories. It harbored our presence during most of the Con, showing us Hot ManSex and Male "bonding" while tongue wrestling. Hot shit. Kudos to Matt there and his crush on Green T-Shirt guy. I forgot that guy next to him with the silver hair's name, but DAYUM he was hot - and dating that guy at the other end for like 3 years now. I know, say it with me: "Aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."
Another Pic Here; These shots, by the way, are from the Gay Sex 101 thing. Sadly we had to leave at midnight in order to wake early for the KH Panel on Sunday, and then head back to Montréal. I like how most of the female population was in there with us.

Allie, jesus christ! Seriously, now that just looks like a scene from the Titanic sinking.

If it's also not stupid, it's not Allison.

HAHA PK. Plz 2 b internet. DIE NOOBS! Ah, memories of my 13 years of age on Graal now coming back to me. ...Ew, been 6 years already? Christ I'm an old hag.

This next unsuspecting victim was ambushed from the back, and impressed us with a comeback of THE Riku stance. We were speechless, leaving the fates to wonder just how long it took to master this celestial slouch... Surely none other but an angsting boy in puberty could perform this! Amazing, Kudos to you!

Oh Larxene! That bag thing behind you looks so suiting for the bodies of your victims! Please don't kill me!

It's hooded Riku! Showing us his house key, inviting us up for dinner.

This little man here lies on his T-Shirts. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, LITTLE BOY. Kudos to bououou for the T-Shirt! If I had a penis, I'd be wearing it too.

Now this dude was my unintentional stalker, everywhere I seemed to go, I spotted him somewhere - or maybe it was different people with red coats BUT HOW COULD I FORGET YOUR FACE? So on the last day of our stay, once again his appearence was made like some ghost in yellow halls, and SNAP! Caught you like a cookie in a jar you little hooker! I believe he was Dante, correct? ...Mm, Naked chest.

It was Sunday Morning, right after the Live Wank in the KH Panel, and this interesting walk belonged to this cosplaying person in front of me, and right away "One night in Bangkok" by Murray Head came to mind. No, I did not have strippers on the mind, but come on! Imagining those three dancing to this just blew my mind, and a picture without their knowledge was taken - OH BUT CROSSING WOMAN KNEW, OH NOES, PLZ 2 B NUT TELLIN M'AM!


And that was Oreo's Anime North 2006.

Now wait! No pictures of Oreo and Allie?! Lies!

Hello Thar! 'Tis me, in the car on our way back, the wind blowing in my hair as I make a face and look like wonderful ass. My eyeliner just totally went to hell and GUESS WHAT, I DON'T CARE.

HAHA This picture of Allie (mightyalmar) looks so fake, almost like some 1977 'HOW TO DRIVE LIKE A PRO SO YOUR MOMMY AND DADDY CAN BE PROUD OF YOU' Video tape only a Teacher would suck cock as much to show you.

Now before I really close to conclusion...

The T-Shirts! ♥

The End.

And that's it ladies and gentlemen, glad you enjoyed the Dial-Up killer of a post! Join me next entry for PART TWO; The Written Experience of Fandom Wank.

convention, anime north

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