Author: vainballerina
Title: "What's the difference?"
Prompt: 049. "What's the difference?"
Pairing: Hankyung/Hankyung
Rating: PG.
Progress: 023/100
Word Count: 281
049. "What's the difference?",Hankyung/Hankyung
Hankyung stared back at his reflection from the mirror and saw dark spots forming under his eyes and he couldn’t recall when his last proper sleep was. Yesterday? Last week? I really didn’t matter since that’s not his main problem as of this moment.
He touched the cold pricking surface of the glass and traced his features. He started with his nose, his thin lips and after losing control he had decided to punch the mirror. Blood trickling down from his knuckles and dropping onto the porcelain sink, staining the water drops that remained stationary there.
“What’s the difference?”
He asked his self and he knew there was huge difference if he was going to leave the group. He would miss Eeteuk’s motherly care, Heechul’s possessive take on him, Yesung melodic voice, Kangin’s father figure even though he sometimes denies that he cares, Shindong’s optimistic view on things, Sungmin’s hugs and the aegyo charm he uses to bring up the mood, Eunhyuk’s and Donghae’s dances that brings up the energy on everyone, Siwon’s religious look on life, Kibum’s honesty and the care behind every sarcasm, Ryeowook’s “how have you been, hyung?” and Kyuhyun’s remarks that made them all laugh.
He would miss all of this but then he had to make a sacrifice - a sacrifice for the better of his health, for his want to rest, for the need to be with his family, for the leisure of coming home to his room, for his dreams to happen - he had to make a sacrifice.
He didn’t want to leave - of course not! - But in the end, he thinks he has to.
What’s the difference? A lot, actually.