The completely and totally AWESOME
loverstar has done a music video to
the Strange Angels 'Verse. As this is the first music video that anyone has ever done for a fic I've written, it is really well done and encompasses the 'Verse wonderfully, and it is not a neurotransmitter, protein, or enzyme (>_> What? I've been studying all day.), my socks have been completely rocked~! ♥♥♥♥♥
[Vid contains season 4 spoilers through 4.15, but there's only 'Verse spoilers if you already know what's going to happen. ^^ *hoardes plot seekrits!* Wincest, Sam/Ruby, & Castiel/Dean]
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leave the vidder a comment! She deserves many kudos for both the vid and for helping me work through a lot of the fics' kinks. ^_^v
4.16 was a wonderful horrible episode that necessitated me throwing out all of the next fic. Like, all of it. Everything I'd written, right down to the title. The new title is "A King Given in Anger and Taken in Wrath" and it looks like it's going to be 2 parts at this rate. =/ Thankfully, the plot bunnies are trying to eat the parts of my brain that classwork has not devoured.
This unfortunately does not make a lot of room for me to work on my Big Bang fic, "As the Ivory Men Make Company Between Us." And I like my Big Bang fic. >_> But I don't think it's going to get done. This, in conjunction with my now weekly study group, is making me seriously consider dropping out of Big Bang. Which is a massive dose of suck, but . . . Yeah. All the RL and other work to be done begs to differ. And I know what my writing process is like. "Chaotic" isn't the half of it.
We'll see.
Bunt until then, there is vid and it is awesome! *kermit-like flails of happiness!*