Mostly SPN-Related ramblings

Jan 28, 2009 11:35

- For those interested, I put up the answers to the OTP meme. You guys did a fantastic job with the guesses. And hauntedreality, for an outstanding showing, you get a 500-1000 drabble from any one of the fandoms on the meme. =3

- As everyone probably knows, Kim Manners passed away from complications due to lung cancer on Sunday night. If you would like to send your condolences and regards directly to the cast and crew or make a donation to the ALA or one of the many fan-fueled efforts, you can find information { here}. There are also several groups on Facebook created for the same purpose.

- I have decided that The Syndrome of Selective Doubles will be my Big Bang offering this year. >_>;; It's a long bitch too, so I need to get cracking. Also, I will be making and posting a soundtrack to go with the fic. *fistpump!*

- I am Become as Sounding Brass (the next Strange Angels fic) is 90% done, but stalled at the first section at the moment.

- non-timbo-mala has posted some truly adorable fanart with Castiel and the boys celebrating Christmas.

- runedgirl has also finished posting her truly WONDERFUL Fade To Black (Not While Your Hand's In Mine). If you haven't read this, you REALLY, REALLY should take the time to do so. It's one of the best fics I've read in ages. Her characterization is painfully good and the plot jarringly believable.
Summary: The brother that Sam gets back isn’t the same, but Sam’s love is. Sam risks everything and leaves everyone he’s ever cared about behind in the desperate hope that the bond between him and Dean might just be strong enough to transcend what hell did to him.
Highly recommended.

- Also, hooray for 2 hour delays! Especially when I didn't finish my reading last night because I fell asleep on the couch.

supernatural, vain's recs, writing, contests, fandom, death

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