Insert Clever Title Here

Dec 11, 2008 10:40

Today's bits of randomness:

- I have been completely exhausted lately, despite napping every time I sit still for five minutes. WTF, body?

- I haven't been online in 2 days and I know people have been trying to get ahold of me. ;; I'm sorry. Truth be told, I have been napping/sleeping during most of my spare time. *points to the previous bullet point* Go figure.

- Prince of Persia is beautiful, but repetitious. And you get a trophy for damn near everything, up to and including breathing.

- On Monday, I got a leaking filling repaired at the dentist, but the new filling was set up too high and screwed up my bite. It was fixed this morning, but now my mouth needs to adjust again.

- Work has been kicking my ass.

- S____'s X-Mas party is Saturday and R____'s birthday party is the Saturday after that. Awesome.

- This week is my last tuition remission paycheck till Spring. Double awesome.

- Playstation Home enters open beta today. Hells yeah.

- It's almost Christmas. ^___________^ Fantastic~ I am filled with a bounty of goodwill towards men and women and children and small baby duckies.

- And I really want to bake something this weekend. My poor boy; he is my constant guinea pig. ♥ Though the steaks went really well last weekend when the Black and Gold kicked the Cowboys' asses.

- Strange Angels is writing itself. Which is both hawt and difficult as I am occasionally overwhelmed with the need to write at inopportune times.

- Also, I really ♥ you guys. You rock my salt. ^_~v

games, writing, playstation, work, health, rl

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