Seriously, Folks? Lay Off Ruby.

Oct 17, 2008 09:27

If you're a member of supernatural_tv, then you're probably familiar with these posts about whether or not Sam banging Ruby (whether or not you think it's happening) is rape.

I get the OP's argument. I do.

I just don't get why she has to bash the hell out of Ruby in an attempt to get her point across.

I'm not a huge fan of Ruby and the idea of her and Sam having sex is not my happy place. I understand the sticky moral situations of sex with the possessed and the many ways fen try balance that out (*points to her deep love of Castiel/Dean and Demon!Dean Wincest). I even get that SPN fandom very (like, epically) strongly opposes any sort of significant female love interest for either of our beloved boys (probably because we're all so enamored with them being so enamored with each other).

But is being a dick really the way to go?

If you hate the character so much, then just avoid or ignore her. It's not like Kripke's ramming the pairing down our throats. He probably has nightmares of angry legions of fangirls coming to his house to burn and pillage should the pairing be officially confirmed.

It seems like half the people who whine about sexism in SPN immediately do a whip-around and start laying into Ruby as a bitch and a slut and a skank and yadda, yadda, yadda.

Seriously, folks? Unclench and let it go. If you don't like her, just leave Ruby alone and keep your massive hate-on to yourself.

supernatural, wank, fandom, soapbox

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