HD DVD is Dead.

Feb 19, 2008 12:46

After a month of speculation and a whole weekend of exciting squeeing on PS-friendly blogs, it's official:

"Toshiba Quits HD DVD Business"

"Also adding to Blu-ray's momentum was the gradual increase in sales of Sony's PlayStation 3 home video-game console, which also works as a Blu-ray player. Sony has sold 10.5 million PS3 machines worldwide since the machine went on sale late 2006."

Interestingly enough, in January PS3s also outsold XBox 360s for the first time. And with the next Final Fantasy bundle coming out (still exclusively, I might add), God of War III in the works, and rumors of another Prince of Persia in the works, 2008 is looking like it's going to be PS3's year.

XD Not to mention EGM's 8 reasons why the PS3 might win the day by the end of it all.

^______^ It's a good day to be a PlayStation girl.

>_> Now I just want to know when the hell my copy of Assassin's Creed will arrive.

tech & 'net, games, playstation, yay!, news

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