o-o- The F-Lock -o-o
The decision to Lock this journal was reached only after much debate and discussion. I know that this may be a minor inconvenience to some people, but I'm afraid that my privacy and comfort regarding my LiveJournal supersedes third party convenience.
o-o- Fanfiction, Reviews, & Open Posts -o-o
I know that some people do not have LiveJournals or simply don't want to add one more Friend. Fortunately, most of you in that crowd only check this Journal for fanfiction. Because of that, when I post a fic / fic posting announcement, the post will stay up and Open for 7 days. At the end of that period, it will then be locked. All of my stories are also available online and you can receive email notifications by joining my mailing list:
Certain discussion posts and notice posts will also be left open for 7 days if I think that they are of particular interest or importance.
o-o- "Borrowing" Content -o-o
No content, text, or image is to be taken from my Livejournal for your personal use without my permission or (in the event that that content is not mine) the permission of the original artist / writer / poster. I don't mind if you link to my posts, but I'd rather not start seeing my icons or content on your LJ or website.
o-o- Friending & UnFriending -o-o
If you wish to be Friended, please leave a comment below. All individuals who had me on their Friends List as of 04.14.2006 are already mutually Friended. I try to check my FList frequently. I reserve the right to remove an individual from my Friends list or various filters for any reason and with no explanation. If you remove me from your Friends list, I will most likely remove you from mine; it's nothing personal, merely a way to control access to my LJ. If you Friend me and do not leave a comment, that's fine. You will be able to see any Open posts until I Lock them at the end of 7 days. Unless asked or in the event that I simply find you fascinating, though, I will not normally Friend you back.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you would like me to Friend you. ^^ I don't mind at all.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to
leave a comment here or to
email me.