[For some reason he almost half expected to wake up to see the world once again in ruins. Absurd perhaps, but likely caused by the dream he'd had before waking. The sensations of it were similar to those he'd felt once before in an event he'd like to not recall again right now. Once he woke up a little further however, several things of note begged
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You knew Celes?
[He'll just conveniently leave out the time he actually kinda kidnapped the lady and just how she con'd him into fighting with her in the first place though..]
[Oh. He knows that jerk. Okay, maybe he was kind of nice when he was sort of crippled that one time but still! He shot him with a paintball gun!]
Eh... Y-You don't say?
[It was obvious the other man had heard about him from somewhere due to his reaction, possibly he had been told about the madman by one of his friends.]
That madman was actually here? Oi..glad she was here to deal with him then. Hopefully, he doesn't show back up now that he's dead on our world.
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