- All items will be shipped from Canada.
- I will only accept payments by Paypal.
- Shipping for flats starts at $2. All else at $6.
- I have the right to refuse to sell to anyone for any reason.
- Haggling is allowed only when buying multiple items. I still may refuse.
- For really large orders, I'll likely offer a discount myself.
- First come, first serve. Priority goes to the earliest timestamp, regardless of who can pay sooner.
- I will only hold items if asked to. Dropping contact for more than 24 hours without asking for a hold will forfeit your items to the next person to ask for them.
- I do accept trades! Wants list is
here. Current highest grails are Nanja Town Can Badges of Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland.
Drag pictures to the address bar for full view.
Character CDs
Russia and England - $30 each
America's case is cracked - $28
All discs are in perfect condition.
Axis/Allies Normal Cards
$1.50 each
Sold: Prussia
Brothers Normal Cards
$1 each, or 1 free for every $10 spent
Brothers SP Cards
$10 each
Sold: 1 Axis/America/England, 1 Allies, Both England/Sealand
Animation Cards
$2 each
On Hold: France
Animate Exclusive Mini-Flag Cards
$6 each
Sold: Liecht, Swiss
Gakuen Bookmarks
$4 each, or all for $18 shipped
POP Stands are $8 each
Pasta Seals are $6 each
Italy Bookmark is $6
$7 each
Sold: Canada
Animate Fair Coasters
$5 each
Sold: France, Japan, 1 China
Metal Charms
$10 each, Flags are $7, or $5 if bought with an Italy.
Sold: Korea
Little Accessory Charms are $6 each
England Pin is $10
America/England Memo Stand is $10 - Sold
Italy/Romano Lamicard
Fanmade, looks even better in person.
Fanmade trading card
Same quality as regular trading cards. Has a calendar printed on the back.
Pin is $7
Onecoin is $12
Banknote is $10
Hetalia Volume 1 - Limited Edition
Retail Value is $65. Comes with Episodes 1 - 7, and Italy and Germany's Marukaite Chikyuu CD.
Discs are scratch-free, and will play on any computer.
Poland clear card is not included.
Stationary Sheets
$3 each, first 3 buyers get an envelope. Due to size, must be purchased with a book.
Currently available: 2 Axis, 4 England/France
$4, must be purchased with a book. - Sold
Bootleg OneCoins
$3, or free with any purchase over $15
Sold: France
Prices include shipping to Canada and the States.
Any flats may be added for no extra shipping cost.
Su x Den Hokuoh - $12
Pairing: Sweden/Denmark
22 Pages, Good Condition
Sample Mittagessen - $12
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
20 Pages, Good Condition
Sample Misoca - $12
Pairing: France/Spain
16 Pages, Like New
Sample Help me! Angel!!!! - $15
Pairing: England/Japan, Sealand/Japan
26 Pages, Like New
Sample 9,10% - $15
Pairing: England/Japan
34 Pages,
bentSample Love Lesson - $20
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
36 Pages, Good Condition, R18
Sample 夜が辛くても泣かないで - $28
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
48 Pages, Good Condition, R18
Sample Boku to Aitsu no XX - $12
Pairing: Noto/Prussia
12 Pages, Like New, R18
Sample (nsfw)
Aiboka - $15
Pairing: England/Japan
28 Pages, Like New
Sample Declaration of opening the country! - $12
Pairing: America/England
14 Pages,
dirtySample 06/21 - $12
Pairing: America, Japan
16 Pages, Like New
Sample What is Sex? - $15
Pairing: none
18 Pages, Like New
Sample Romance Fighter - $18
Pairing: England/Japan
28 Pages, Like New, R18
Sample ザイエンデの涙 - $18
20 Pages, Good Condition
Sample Viva La Vida - $20
Pairing: Spain/Romano
36 Pages, Good Condition
Sample Special Offers
China Lot
... Lots of China stuff. $45 value.
$37 Shipped
Pokemon Bandai Kids
Some are European. Feel free to ask if this is an issue.
Legendaries are $4, all others are $3
Misc Pokemon Stuff
Pikachu Kaiyodo Bottlecap Figure - $5
Piplup strap - $3
Stationary - $2
Amada Stickers - $1.50 each
Random Stuff
Figures are $8 each or all for $40 shipped
Sold: Card