This Is Random And Stupid

Sep 28, 2009 22:04

Star Trek TOS, episode 38: The Apple


CAPTAIN’S LOG: Stardate: Monday. Carelessly hopping around unknown planet until redshirt gets killed by flower. This sucks. Spock is being a bitch. This sucks too. Stones explode when thrown and when redshirts step on them. Predictable FAIL.

Some guy thinks he’s a green and yellow ball of stone. He ( Read more... )

fandom: star trek, medium: recap

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gritsinmisery September 29 2009, 04:29:59 UTC
*stands, applauds* Whoooo! Author!

OMG, there were about 15 times reading through this where I was really glad I wasn't drinking anything!

You could totes do this for every episode in the series and earn the gratitude of... well, everybody.


vail_kagami September 29 2009, 14:23:45 UTC
Hehe, thank you!
I will certainly not do all episodes, but I can see me doing some more for sure. Spock's Brain for sure, or Naked Time, or Castpaw... Actually, I can think of a few, and some don't even hurt to watch.


gritsinmisery September 29 2009, 14:37:44 UTC
Shore Leave, fer serious (although that one almost sporks itself.) And any of them when Spock (almost) gets the girl -- like Cloud Minders or Paradise Syndrome -- just so we can have emo!Kirk. And Way to Eden, for more Checkov-gets-a-girl goodness. And For the World is Hollow, so Kirk AND Spock can emo over losing McCoy. And Who Mourns for Adonais, for aliens-made-them-do-it.

Erm... being a scant few years older than this show, I may be overly invested in it. Whoops.


vail_kagami September 29 2009, 14:50:57 UTC
Way to Eden, aka Start Trek, the Musical. It would be so easy!

Mudd's Women and I, Mudd. Or The Squire of Gothos, because Trelane kind sproks himself too.
I'd do Space Seed solely for the scene with Kahn and McCoy in sickbay.
More Aliens Made Them Do It: Plato's Stechildren, although that's almost painful to watch.
Wolf in the Fold for the Scotty =/= Jack the Ripper What The Fuck...
There's so much to doooo!


gritsinmisery September 29 2009, 14:59:23 UTC
Plus Wolf in the Fold bonus... Piglet as the bad guy!


vail_kagami September 29 2009, 15:10:09 UTC
... wow.


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