DW/TW Drabble

Jul 01, 2009 01:29

Drabble written for
sassy_lion in reply to the Stump the Author meme. The prompt was John Hart/Simm!Master - actions speak louder than words.

John sees him in a bar on Edo II. Despite the humanoid appearance of the inhabitants, the world is so far from the empire that John doesn’t understand a word they are speaking. This man doesn’t belong here - he can tell at once, but he also knows the man isn’t human. He’s even less human than anyone else around here.

John is intrigued. And interested. And horny. Their eyes meet across the room, and in that instant John knows that even though the stranger might not understand his words, he will certainly understand his language.

He walks over, and while the room is stuffed, the crowd isn’t thick enough to excuse this closeness.

His hand moves down the others back and then up again, this time beneath his jacket: I want you.

The man ignores him, his attention focused on his drink: Try again once you’ve grown up.

John takes the drink from his fingers and drains it. Then he sets the glass upside-down right onto the guy’s crotch: I don’t like being ignored. And when I like something I take it.

With a snort, the man rolls his eyes: I could have anyone on the planet. Why would I want you?

John smirks, and presses against him, so the stranger can feel his erection as well as his gun: Because I’m the best there is around. And because I’m going to kill you if you keep this up.

In response, the other throws back his head and laughs. It is laughter just for the sake of laughing, and the act in itself seems to amuse him greatly.

“Okay,” he finally says in perfect English. “But I top.”

July 01, 2009

I apologize for taking so long. It's exam time for me. My oral exam in Japanology was last week, and my brain couldn't deal with anything else.
Since there is a written exam waiting for me at the end of the month, as well as an oral exam in General Linguistics, I will be unable to writen anything that doesn't have a deadline until it's over. Sorry for the general fail.

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, medium: drabble, fandom: torchwood

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