Torchwood Video - A Not So Epic Love Story

May 23, 2009 04:57

A Tosh/Owen video.

Music: Maybe Maybe by Nico Stai
Episodes: Pretty much all of them.
Spoilers: Up to Exit Wounds
Note: Once again dedicated to nightrider101, my source of good music.

Download here.

medium: music video, fandom: torchwood

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kaffy_r May 23 2009, 17:29:31 UTC
First thing in the morning and I was in tears. This is remarkable.


vail_kagami May 23 2009, 20:43:53 UTC
Thank you. It is depressing, after all.


kaffy_r May 23 2009, 23:54:54 UTC
Well, you see, in my universe, Santa Claus came and got Owen out, and (since Owen's heart grew three sizes that day) gave him the gift of not being dead anymore (or as the Saint liked to say, "Congratulations, you miserable bastard; the Rift fixed you!", and Jack's magic Immortal cooties rubbed off on Tosh just enough to suck the bullets out of her and make her, you know, alive. And Santa dropped Owen off at the Hub, stayed long enough to explain to Jack that he wouldn't get any toys this year, or ever, because he hadn't been a good boy. He changed his mind after Jack propositioned him, of course, then tried to hand the keys to a new flat to Tosh and Owen, who didn't notice because they were snogging. Jack agreed to give them to Tosh after St. Nick left.

And they lived happily - happily, do you hear me, Whoniverse? - ever after.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

*fingers in ears, going 'la,la,la'*


vail_kagami May 24 2009, 00:02:22 UTC
You know, I like your story.

And I like your icon.


kaffy_r May 25 2009, 18:29:28 UTC
Heh. Thanks!

(The icon is nice, isn't it? It's by seether_79; if you credited it, I have no doubt you could gank it.)


honorh May 24 2009, 01:02:00 UTC
No, Jack's a very naughty boy. No toys! Unless, of course, he earns them by being very, very good.

I like your version of events! Personally, I think the Doctor dropped in because he was in the neighborhood and noticed some poor stiff (literally) was in the reactor when it was going critical, so he nabbed Owen, noticed he was dead, decided that was a terribly inappropriate state of being and had Donna the Awesome fetch some Chula nanogenes he had left over from TDD, fixed Owen's metabolic condition, dropped him at the Hub, noticed Tosh was freshly dead, set the nanogenes on her, gave Jack a stiff lecture about not resurrecting one's friends when one doesn't know how to do it right, and left on more adventures with Donna, who DIDN'T LOSE HER MEMORIES!



kaffy_r May 25 2009, 18:30:46 UTC
...and you've just given yourself a plot bunny. *nudges*


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