Happiness Meme, Day Eight

Apr 17, 2009 21:13

Had to rise early to go grocery shopping with my mom. Which turned into shopping for clothes, which I hate. But the shirt I brought found my father's delight, which is nice ( Read more... )

meme, real life

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Comments 8

nightrider101 April 17 2009, 21:03:51 UTC
Clothes shopping usually equals massive fail. I'm glad it wasn't bad!

It sounds like your cat had a hairball. :P You mentioned she needs to go to the vet. Is that because of the gasping?

Eight days of happiness complete! I've enjoy reading these daily updates. :)

And darker Ten/Jack? You'll have to tell me about it when we chat. ;)


rose_cat April 19 2009, 13:59:15 UTC
No fighting is a good thing!

Is your kitty OK? Obviously I can't see her, but I immediately thought about feline asthma. Missy has it a couple of times a week. She crouches, stretches her neck out and coughs several times, then swallows, straightens up and looks at me staring at her like, "What?" Then she goes about her business. She was in for her checkup a few months ago and checked out OK, and they X-rayed her while she was knocked out for her dental and it looked OK. So we're keeping an eye on her.

I'm worried about Rose. I've gone into it in detail (probably too much detail ;) ) back at my journal. Aside from that, I'm trying to think positive again and get back on the meme. You've done a great job on it. I've enjoyed reading about your day!

More Jack/Ten? Dark Jack/Ten? Ooh!


vail_kagami April 21 2009, 11:24:12 UTC
My dad says he's seen Agathe wheeze like that a few times before, which apparently he tought not necessary to mention. It could be a hairball - I've never come across any hairballs in action, so I wouldn't know how to diagnose it. Maybe, if we finally make it to the vet today, I can ask him about it.
Good luck with Rose and Missy!


rose_cat April 22 2009, 05:09:23 UTC
Thanks :) Mentioning it to the vet is a good idea.


teastainedbird April 23 2009, 11:45:05 UTC
Before we left, the cat started gasping for air as if she was going to suffocate. After a minute she stopped and ran out to hunt birds and eat grass. Big relief.

Glad your cat is all rigth. Sunday, both my pet doves started gasping for air and died within minutes. Intoxicated by something most likely. :(


vail_kagami April 23 2009, 23:11:12 UTC
That's terribe! I'm so sorry. Any idea what intoxicated them?


teastainedbird April 24 2009, 00:10:59 UTC
Thank you.
I don't know for sure. Doves and pigeons are very sensitive to odors and vapors. It could be cooking (like an anti-adhesive pan overheating) or that new detergent I tried for the laundry.
I miss them so very much. D: I still can't believe they're gone.


vail_kagami April 24 2009, 00:32:19 UTC
That's terrible, really. I never knew they'd die so easily.


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