Pendulum (8/9)

Mar 02, 2009 22:36

Rating: R
Pairing: AU!Master/Doctor (10), Jack/Doctor
Warnings: Dark
Summary: In which the Doctor discovers that not all is lost yet.

The Doctor’s hands were trembling.

They often were, these days. By now he could hardly recall when they hadn’t, but today the trembling was getting worse along with the pain in his head; a dull, insistent throbbing ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, * story: pendulum, # series: losing the lifeline

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rose_cat March 3 2009, 05:04:58 UTC
Some hope, even sweetness, in this chapter. (Please tell me the pendulum isn't going to swing all the way back in the last one, though. *crosses fingers*)

God, the poor Doctor. My head is hurting in sympathy. No, empathy. (Do you have experience with migraines as well?)

Maybe he would go insane before the last of his senses was lost, he thought, and realised that the idea didn’t scare him...At some point death had become the best possible outcome.

Ouch. He's so close to resignation and to giving up, to being beyond despair, which is more disturbing than when he was terrified and fighting it. (Again, I hope you don't have much experience in this area.) And then he rallies!

Jack...was still stuck in the I’d Rather Cut Off My Own Leg And Eat It Than Talk To Him phase.

*snork* At least he hasn't lost his sense of humor...

...Jack suspected the TARDIS was arranging her corridors on purpose so that the one the Master was in was always far away from the one Jack was walking down.

This made me think of cats in the same household that don't like each other -- they "time-share." :)

How sweet, and sad, that Jack's afraid to touch the Doctor, and that it's the Doctor who shows him it's OK. And that the Doctor goes straight to Jack when he finds that he can see. *sniffle*

...the way they had lived their lives had turned both of them into something else, alien and incompatible.

I like how they've both become part Time Lord and part something else, and are both troubled by it. And they've found each other. I don't see them picking out curtains any time soon, though...

I'm going to risk being annoying and do a little nitpicking beta-ing:

...he would not have been able [the] hear them breathe... into either [oft] them...

...would be able to [full] heal him... Um, "fully"?

Everything else [chased] to matter.

He had no intention [on] sleeping Um, "of"?

...even [tough] the Doctor had forgiven him... was gone from [is] face.

And -- you used "realization" a few times -- did you intend to make it "realisation"? (Stupid Word always changes Brit spelling for me and I have to change it back :) ) Anyhow, if you ever want any pre-post beta-ing, let me know. (Or not :) )

I've been trying to remember what the Doctor's choice between losing his senses and being in horrible pain reminds me of, and I just thought of it. It's "The Little Mermaid," not the Disney version, but the original. The mermaid gets her legs, but at the cost of her feet being cut, and bleeding, with every step, as if she were walking on knives. (She doesn't get the prince, either.)


vail_kagami March 3 2009, 16:42:16 UTC
It's been a while like I heard that tale, I admit I had forgotten it. Looks like being a mermaid really sucks.
I corrected the typos, thanks for pointing them all out! And for the lovely feedback as well.


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