A Quarter of Your Kingdom (Part1)

Feb 23, 2009 17:18

Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Doctor (10), Owen
Summary: Jack and the Doctor have saved the world. Again. Now it is up to Owen to save them, on threat of imaginary death. Such is the life of a doctor at Torchwood. 
Note: Written for nightrider101 who also kindly betaed it, as thanks for a generous donation at tails_for_paws.
Split due to length.
Note 2:  Now illustrated ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, medium: art, fandom: torchwood, community: tails_for_paws

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rose_cat April 29 2009, 08:35:52 UTC
I read this when you first posted but didn't comment. (Bad Rose Cat!)

I really like Owen's POV in this -- it's not something you see often in Jack/Doctor fic.

“I’m the Doctor, by the way.” Owen could practically hear the capital D.

You're right; he does say it with a capital D! And now I'll always hear it :)

“I am not going to undress in your…” The Doctor stopped, and turned to take a look around their fake tourist information centre. “People are actually falling for this?” he asked in obvious amazement.

Oh, I'd pay good money to see that on the show! XD

...as they made it down the steps to Owen’s working place - reminding him once again why this was a really, really stupid place for a medical area.

I've wondered about that myself. Shouldn't they at least have a ramp? Do they lower bodies and such down on pulleys from the gallery?

“Who’d want a quarter of Torchwood?” the Doctor wondered, to Jack’s indignation.


And your illustrations make it even better. I think my favorite is the first. The Doctor has such a soulful expression -- exhausted and pained, yet resigned -- and I really like the composition, with the smaller image inside the closeup. (Is there a technical term for that in the art world? Because I'm woefully ignorant :) ) The coloring is nice, too -- it sets the mood.

One little thing: the second picture doesn't have a link to the gallery (or it's broken). I'd like to see it enlarged. Can you fix that, please?


vail_kagami April 29 2009, 12:07:42 UTC
I fixed the link. Thanks for pointing that out.

Fanfic: A good way for pointing out what's wrong with the show!


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