Like Walking Through a Labyrinth

Jan 04, 2009 01:26

Watched the DW Confidential revealing the eleventh Doctor today. On telly, as opposed to downloading it from the internet as usual, due to me being in Cardiff at the moment. Am withholding my oppinion for the moment, because I haven't seen him as the Doctor yet and have nothing to really base that opinion on. I'll probably like him - I always did so far.
And Ten will always live on in fanfic. Like this one, which I wrote for the wintercompanion  Amnesty challenge, chosing the old Darkness challenge as a theme:

Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Doctor (10)
Warnings: PWP
Summary: Jack and the Doctor have sex, and all is well.

And all the light bulbs are broken.

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, community: wintercompanion

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