Nowhere, Part 1

Oct 19, 2008 23:05

Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #072 - Fixed
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: Torchwood Series 2 Finale
Characters/Pairing: Fitz/Doctor (10), Jack/Doctor
Summary: Sequel to Elsewhere and Somewhere, although you probably don't need to have read those for this story.
Fitz and the Doctor have picked up Jack, and the three of them have for once landed exactly ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, # series: anywhere but here, table: time war

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Comments 10

nightrider101 October 20 2008, 22:55:38 UTC
First off, I love the TARDIS looking out for the Doctor. ;) We know she'd protect him and let everyone else fall on the floor.

“In that case, explain this to me!” the Doctor said as he stooped down and picked up the cat to hold it up to Fitz’s face. Just so Fitz could see that it had three eyes, two tails and four ears - and how he’d been able to miss the dark green fur before was beyond him.

The Doctor is never subtle, is he? He does make a good point! I loved the description of our "feline" friend. Great job with that!

I loved the entire exchange in the restaurant with the Doctor sensing something wasn't right. Of course they have to fix it!

"To get something to fix the gab with,” he said. “Or do you think I’ll pull it closed with my bare hands.”

Fitz, who had imagined something like that, stayed silent. He followed the Doctor when he left, constantly eying the thing his friend was bringing along.You know, I was thinking the same thing as Fitz! :D ( ... )


vail_kagami October 20 2008, 23:07:15 UTC
Huh. Now I feel like I've not so subtly bullied you into reading this. I'm happy you like it, though! It was the fic that would not end.
Enjoy your dinner! I have some spelling to correct. :P


nightrider101 October 21 2008, 00:08:28 UTC
I actually had the window open to read your story before I saw your other comment. :) You know I've been waiting on this story!

I'm off to pick up Chinese food. Neither one of us felt like cooking tonight. Sara & boyfriend = Fail


vail_kagami October 21 2008, 00:16:04 UTC
Know the feeling. When Jenny was here life got so much more expensive, because we usually ended up ordering pizza - or picking up something Chinese.
My video is progressing. If I do thirty second each day it'll be done before Friday. So far Jack has killed the Master and is going psycho on the Doctor.
I'm more or less satisfied with the clips but not so sure about the timing. It's always a struggle.


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