"The Long Game" Fanvid

Aug 31, 2008 05:21

I have a new laptop, including a new Movie Maker that, for once, doesn't fight me when I'm trying to use it. So I finally managed to make the long overdue video for The Long Game.
The song I used was suggested by nightrider101 , who has been a great help with that - without her I'd still be looking for music.

Episode: (7) The Long Game
Music: Crossfade - Cold

image Click to view

I think I know which song to use for Father's Day, but if anyone had a suggestion for the The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances two-parter I'd be really grateful.
I'd also be grateful for comments. Goes without saying, and, I fear, saying it won't make any difference.
nightrider101 , you keep we working!

1. Rose      2. The End of the World      3. The Unquiet Dead     4. Aliens of London/World War Three     5. Dalek

fandom: doctor who, medium: music video, doctor who era: ninth doctor

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