One of these Mornings

Apr 08, 2008 02:20

Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Torchwood, traces of Owen/Tosh
Summary: Four short glimpses into Torchwood, focusing on Toshiko.
Note: The title is stolen from the song by Moby playing at the end of To the Last Man. The story contains, obviously, spoilers for Exit Wounds. It's something I had to write, but it didn't turn out right.

When Jack watched Tommy on his single day alive he could see him fall in love with Tosh a little more each year. That was fine. Understandable. She was pretty. She was smart and charming. She liked him.

It would break her heart. Either she would grow old while he didn’t or she would lose him once he got back to his own time. Jack knew this. He watched, and hoped it would be the first.

He worried for her, but not enough. When the end came he told her about Tommy’s fate and made it her responsibility. It wasn’t fair but he felt she had to know.

He put it behind in favour of more important things, because she forgave him.

She was easy to put behind.


When Ianto sat in the tourist office and there was no one else around he was staring at nothing, thinking about Lisa. Feeling miserable. He was surprised when a cup of coffee was handed to him by Toshiko, who smiled. Between struggling with aliens and making coffee for the others he had little time to drink any himself.

The coffee was in a paper cup and had already cooled down, but he appreciated the gesture. She was the only one to ever think of bringing him coffee.

Afterwards he forgot about it, because he had Lisa to worry about.

She was easy to forget.


When Gwen planned her wedding she didn’t want to exclude her colleagues. They were her friends, after all. But she wanted to remind them, and herself, that she had a life outside of Torchwood as well. She had other friends that didn’t know about weevils and the rift. They were normal and harmless and that was what she wanted her wedding to be. A day during which her team was not the most important thing in her life.

She thought about her bridesmaids and chose them from her old friends, back from the time when her life was less complicated. They felt rejected enough already, and were the obvious choices anyway.

She overlooked Tosh, because her wedding had nothing to do with Torchwood.

She was easy to overlook.


When Owen was trapped in a radiation chamber waiting for his body to dissolve he ranted and cursed and screamed his anger at the uncaring walls and Tosh who couldn’t save him. There was nothing dignified about it but he didn’t care. He’d wanted an end for this wasn’t life, but not like this. Not like this. It wasn’t fair, it came too quickly, would take too long, and he was scared. Tosh was crying and far away and the others weren’t there. He was alone. He didn’t want to go like this, and as long as he was yelling he didn’t have to think. He wasn’t strong enough for this.

It wasn’t her fault, he knew. He blamed bad luck, a universe that had never given him anything.

In the end he stopped, because he had to.

She’d asked.

April 8, 2008

medium: story, fandom: torchwood

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