Totally Unexpected Random Torchwood-Squee

Jan 31, 2008 17:55

First of all I'll have you know: I like Torchwood! I don't love it like nothing else and see it mainly as a way to pass the time until the next season of Doctor Who starts, but I like it. A lot. I like the team, because it is incompetent. Because they permanently mess things up. And most of all because they are supposed to be a super sekrit organisation and have written the word 'TORCHWOOD' in bold letters onto their car. Never fails to be hilarious.
Yesterday, however, I was overcome by a rush of Torchwood-Love like never before. I didn't expect much from the episode and was quite pleasantly surprised.
Plus, I ended up with tears im my eyes, which isn't all that unsual for me, but with Torchwood it was a first.

When I saw the trailer at the end of last episode I expected another "Oh my God, I'm stuck in the future, what do I do?" story. Instead we get a guy who knows exactly what's going on and is surprisingly cool with it. And has a thing for Tosh. Of all the team I like Toshiko best (Jack kind of doesn't count.) which had no particular reason until now - it's not like she got too much screen time after all. So I'm more than happy with the last episode and them going on a date and Tosh getting sex and all. And I have to say, she has never before been this pretty. As Gwen put it last season: "Love suited you."
Of course it couldn't end well. No surprise there. What I don't understand is why Jack told her what would happen to Tommy once he got home. It was her job to send him back, after all, and so he made her responsible for his fate. Jack, my friend, that totally sucked!
Surprisingly enough the Jack/Ianto kiss, as nice it was to look at, didn't cause half as much squee for me as I would have expected. Partially because I knew it was coming the moment Ianto stepped into the room and partially, I fear, because the fandom has killed this pairing for me. I don't mind it at all, at least not in the series, but it doesn't give me much anymore.
Right now Fandom!Ianto (also knows as Ianto-Sue or The Second Coming) is out to kill the Master/Doctor pairing for me as well. My all time OTP! I can't let that happen. Nothing like fanfiction to fight back though. I need some good, old-fasioned pure Doctor/Master to write. If only with I had the time...

review, fandom: torchwood

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