Ruined Cities Just, and Spaces

Dec 29, 2007 04:49

Rating: PG
Prompt:  #016 - Red
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: Utopia, The Sound of Drums
Characters: Simm!Master, the TARDIS
Summary: Before the Doctor and his friends show up the Master takes some time to think and wonder.
Note: I made a list of all the prompts from the table (I was very bored), then marked the ones I already did a story for. ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, table: time war

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Comments 1

Of Senselessness and Beauty.. debart December 29 2007, 06:12:11 UTC
Well, it may not make sense, but it's still beautiful nonetheless. Thank you very much. Love your work.



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