Zum Abschied

Dec 11, 2007 03:55

Rating: G
Prompt:  #025 - Strangers
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: None
Characters: Fitz, the Doctor (10), (Jack)
Summary: Once, when he's feeling down, Fitz has a conversation with a stranger who can't help him.
Note: It helps if you know the Eight Doctor Novel 'Demontage'.
I have only read a few of the novels, and in neither of them was ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, table: time war

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Comments 8

quazonic December 11 2007, 04:11:15 UTC
That was wonderful. (Yes, I love these kind of stories!) Any chance of German translations, btw?


herk227 December 11 2007, 11:53:23 UTC

“Lange nicht gesehen! Wie geht’s dir?”
could be roughly translated to:
"Long time-no see! How are you?"

“Streit mit der Freundin?“
indeed means
"Girlfriend trouble?"
or in a word to word translation
"Having a row with your girlfriend?"

“Es war nicht dein Krieg.”
"It wasn't your war."

Zum Abschied = As a farewell

I hope that helps (and the author doesn't protest)


vail_kagami December 11 2007, 13:01:38 UTC
No protest here. I just didn't know how to add the translations so they wouldn't mess with the flow of the story. And then I decided that since the story is told from Fitz's pov and he doesn't understand, it would be okay not to add any.


quazonic December 12 2007, 07:09:55 UTC
Thanks! And yeah, I asked for the translations because I was just curious. It works without them in the story. :D


(The comment has been removed)

vail_kagami December 11 2007, 22:56:58 UTC
I couldn't resist Scowling!Jack. He had no actual reason to be in this fic, but somehow he wormed his way in, and said: "This my Doctor now, go find own!" (But maybe that was the alcohol speaking...)


marah_sarie December 11 2007, 22:13:04 UTC
Wow. That was brilliant. I really liked the "It wasn't your war" line in German. That was heart-wrenching.


vail_kagami December 11 2007, 22:58:18 UTC
Ho ho, thanks a lot.
Somehow I couldn't resist using a 'foreign' language I'm really good at. :P


notfromvenus December 13 2007, 06:36:15 UTC
Ohhhhh, lovely. Poor Fitz!


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