Final Fantasy XIII Fic: Days

May 14, 2014 19:38

Title: Days
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIII
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Serah Farron/Snow Villiers, Oerba Yun Fang/Oerba Dia Vanille, Claire Farron (Lightning), everyone else
Summary: Post LR: Everyone has their own ways of coping with the new world, and the old. Nothing is perfect, but for Serah things are, at the very least, pretty okay most of the time. When she and Snow suddenly become parents, it doesn't happen the way they wanted it to happen, but then, nothing in their life ever worked as planned, and the new turn of events might, in the end, still be the best thing to ever happen to some of them.
Word count: 5148
Warning: none
Note: For my
genprompt_bingo card. Prompt: Pack.

On AO3

medium: story, community: genprompt-bingo, fandom: final fantasy

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