Rec-A-Weekend | Week 39

Nov 03, 2013 00:44

Title: Tintagel
Author: seperis
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Characters/Pairings: Ygraine/Nimue, Uther/Ygraine, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: They would pay any price that was asked, Nimueh whispered at the end, trembling with exhaustion, desperate, pleading, anything, anything at all. Just give her this child. Give her the son he stole from her.
Wordcount: 20,750
Why it's awesome: In which Ygraine and Nimue shape the future knowing exactly what it will cost each of them, and Merlin and Arthur are given the chance to experience the story through their eyes, in a way. It's just a fantastic piece of writing, tragic yet hopeful. I read it long ago and now looked for it just so I can rec it, because it still lingered in my memory.

fandom: merlin, rec-a-weekend, rec

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