Rec-A-Weekend | Week 33

Oct 06, 2013 15:36

Title: I Can Only
Author: sliderella
Fandom: due South
Characters/Pairings: Fem!Fraser/Fem!Vecchio
Summary: Fraser looks over Detective Vecchio's desk carefully, cataloging what she sees for anything that might be of use in understanding the detective. She adds less disorganized than disinclined towards order to the list of things she knows about Detective Ray -- likely a nickname, though the nameplate on her desk lists no other -- Vecchio, where it joins gangly, voluble, a flashy dresser, the sole female detective working out of this precinct, and at the moment, exceedingly shrill.
Wordcount: 6000
Why it's awesome: I have a thing for genderswap done well. Apart from being the oposite gender, though, both Fraser and Ray are very much the people we know, and this is a lovely and very human and vulnerable look at their relationship though Fraser's eyes.

rec-a-weekend, rec, fandom: due south

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