Letter to Santa

Sep 22, 2012 00:38

Hi there,

I must admit, this is the first time I ever signed up for an exchange on AO3, and I'm not entirely sure I'm doing it right. Now, in the other exchanges I took part in, it was customary, if not required, to give the santa some prompts. While there was never any requirement to actually use any of them, they serve quite well to communicate an idea of what the giftee is looking for. So I came up with some, and I can't keep things short for the life of me, so I apologize for these being wordy and overly detailed. Especially since they are just suggestions.

1. Slash, where Ray's father's ghost is having opinions about Ray and Fraser's relationship and about what a real man should be like, and is basically terrorizing his son 24/7, driving him literally insane, until Fraser finds out and finds a way to get rid of the ghost (possibly with help of his own father).

2. Gen or slash, post COTW, where Fraser is happy in Canada having adventures with Kowlaski, until he learns that Ray in Chicago isn't doing as great a he was led to believe. I'd love to see Ray struggle to reclaim his life, being haunted by Vegas, and maybe having to deal with long term consequences of being shot, too. I want all the angst, and then Fraser dropping everything and coming back after he learns something happened to Ray (whether by accident or by occupational hazard, or because Ray made it happen).

3. Gen or slash; something about Fraser fighting the good fight and always coming out on top because random strangers suddenly came to help or the villain suddenly changed his mind. And all is well because people are generally good at heart and the world keeps proving that to him. And then he finds out that behind the scenes, Vecchio keeps talking to people in a language they understand better than Inuit stories: the language of money (as in "One Good Man"), or of threats/blackmail (as in "The Deal"). I'd love it if this actually confirmed his belief in humanity rather than challenging it.

So as you can see, I love angst, I love H/C, and I love Ray Vecchio and his relationship (of whatever kind you prefer) with Fraser (and Diefenbaker), and anything in the drift of what I wrote here would make me very happy.

I'm not squirmish about sex, but a gen story or something with romance but without sex would be perfectly fine, too. Basically, I'm in love with their friendship, and everything that goes beyond that is just a bonus.

Anyway, whatever you end up writing, thank you for your effort! I appreciate it.

Two last things:

1. Sorry for my English.
2. In case you are wondering about the date of this entry, this is indeed from 2013. I back dated it to keep it from showing up on my friends' flists.

sekrit santa

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