I'm an Occupational Hazard 2

Dec 09, 2010 18:05

Friend and I are in Tokyo now, working at another hostel. On our second day of work, two days ago, I had to clean the kitchen. Inteding to make a good impression by being especially thourough, I took the box with the salt, sugar, coffee and creamer off the shelf, only to find it a lot less stable than I expected. The salt box cracked and the sugar was trown all over the kitchen floor. After cleaning it up, I wanted to fill the box again, but I was nervous and didn't notice that there was already a hole in the sugar bag. Hence more cleaning.
The same day, Friend had to fill up the sugar box of another kitchen and got the salt instead. A French guy found out when he drank his coffee.

And yesterday, not one, not two, no, three things went wrong - only, two of them weren't my fault, and the last one wasn't my fault either; I was merely the cause of it: I had to vacuum the lobby, which I did. When I was almost done, the cleaner's power was cut off, and when I went to investigate the cause, I found all the computers were out of power, too. Turned out, using the power socket I had for the vacuum cleaner kills everything connected to the same power source. Since everyone working at the reception had seen me clean the lobby and knew I was doing it for the first time, telling me beforehand might have been a good idea.
Once I could, I finished vacuuming with the kitchen adjacent to the lobby. A nice American girl from Colorado was drinking her coffee there, and instead of stepping out of the very small space for the moment, she sat on the edge of the sink and lifted her legs to give me room to clean. Ended up lifing her legs too high and falling into the sink, throwing her coffee everywhere and taking out the drying dishes. My boss came at the noise to find her laughing her ass off in the kitchen sink while I stood by with the vacuum, probably looking suspiciously guilty or something.
And when I was almost done with the stupid lobby, I was about to put back the vacuum as something crashed down from above, starling me and the two other guys standing nearby. It was a stack of cooking pots that took out an open box of instand noodles waiting on the counter and getting soup all over the lobby. It took us three minutes of investiagtion until we even found out where the pots had come from. Turned out, it was the opposite direction of where I was standing, but I still ended up looking guilty by sheer vicinity.
What made the pots fall, we still don't know. I guess it was just one of those days.

# occupational hazard, real life, japan

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