Death by Keybord

Sep 28, 2007 01:27

In the past few weeks I've had to write two essays for university with each at least 6000 words. To do so I had to read 7 books and then some. In addition to that I wrote 9 fanfics with altogether 22 parts, some of them rather long. And some pages for an original story.
I still have a lot of stories to write for my
doctorwho_100 table. There are other fanfics that have to be finished. Before Sunset is already much longer than I wanted it to be and far from being finished. I'm already considering skipping half of what I'd planned. Feels like my writing is getting worse and worse.
Frankly, I need a break. Badly.
I love writing. I really, really love it. But right now I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to type another word for the rest of my life.

... Which I state by way of typing.

real life

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