Multi-Fandom Meme Result Post

Dec 15, 2009 06:01

The drabbles and excerpts written for various memes I in the last couple of months.

The first are from the Never Will Meme. (Please keep in mind that these are no drabbles but excerpts of potentially longer fics that will never get written.)

For sarkywoman:

The alarm clock would have woken Owen at six AM if, indeed, he had still been asleep. As it was, he had been staring at the ceiling for an hour already - or at least in the general direction where he assumed the ceiling to be in the dark.

In the dark, he shut down the alarm. In the dark, he got dressed, managing to pull his shirt over his head the wrong way twice. In the dark he wandered over to the door and pulled it open to blink in the bright light.

There was singing coming out of the kitchen. Bad singing. Bad singing in a very familiar voice.

The Doctor turned when Owen stormed inside. “Good morning!” he said and beamed, his large brown eyes shining bright. “Slept well?”

“I thought you were gone!” Owen bust out. He had stopped beside the sink, not quite sure what to do. “You said you were leaving.”

“I did. And now I’m back. I found I kind of miss-” The Doctor never got to finish his sentence, since Owen decided that this would be a good moment for a hug and a reunion kiss. A very intense reunion kiss.

After all, there was no telling how long the Doctor had been gone in that time machine of his. And for Owen… Well, it had been a damn long night.

For shinodabear:

It was a rather unexpected way to wake up. There was music. And Seishiro was dancing in the middle of his bedroom.

Subaru’s bedroom, that was, not Seishiro’s. If it had been Seishiro’s bedroom, Subaru would have found himself confronted with quite a different question than -

“Why are you wearing a tutu?”

This was probably impolite. Hardly the right words to greet a visitor with. Subaru felt vaguely ashamed.

Seishiro stopped dancing and smiled his sweetest smile. Because he wasn’t wearing his glasses, it made him look kind of creepy. “Hokuto-chan made it for me. Do you like it?”

Subaru panicked. The tutu was incredibly ugly. If he said so, he’d be insulting both Seishiro and his sister. But lying was bad. And if he lied, Seishiro might wear it again.

“I have to leave,” he said, jumping out of bed. “A job.” Which was also a lie, but only a small one. He did have a job. In seven hours.

“It’s three in the morning,” Seishiro pointed out.

“It’s a late night job.”

“You alarm is set to eight.”

Oh, right. “Then why did you wake me?”

Still wearing his creepily sweet smile, Seishiro crawled into Subaru’s bed and pulled him down again. “To ask you how you like my tutu.”

Subaru’s brain made a little, desperate beeping sound and died.

For nightrider101:

Jack sighed contently, leaning back against the Doctor and into the long, slender fingers combing through his hair. “Ah…” he sighed. “You do that very well.”*

The doctor leaned in and kissed Jack’s cheek. “That’s only because I love you so much. If you were someone I hated, I’d pull out your hair.”

Jack knew that, and strangely it made him feel even better. He didn’t get his hair pulled out, so the Doctor did, indeed, love him. Or at least he didn’t hate him.

With a smile, he rose from his position at the Doctor’s feet and turned, leaning in to press his beloved against the back of the couch. “Let me show you just how much I love you,” he said, just before claiming the Time Lord’s lips with the sweetest kiss ever.

*) Shameless Star Trek quotation. I'm sorry.

"Where are we now?" asked Jack.

The Doctor lifted the binoculars to his eyes, and after a second a huge grin split his face.

"Looks like Yosemite to me. Judging from the smell, I'd say twenty-third century."

"You can tell the century by the smell?"

"Jack, there is very little I can not do." The Doctor suddenly stopped in his observation of the area and turned the binoculars back to the mountain he had just watched. He adjusted them a little, and frowned.

"What is it?" asked Jack, alarmed.

"Captain Kirk is climbing the mountain," the Doctor answered, puzzlement in his voice. He finally lovered his hands and looked at Jack, as if the human had all the answers. "Why is he climbing the mounain?"

For Arithon:

“How could you do that?” she screams at him the moment they are back in the TARDIS. “They wanted to surrender! They weren’t a threat!”

“They were my enemies.” His voice is cold, uncaring. He doesn’t look at her but at the console, his mind already planning the next step, already moving on from the carnage they left behind. “They had their chance and didn’t take it.”

“All they wanted was to be free. They didn’t deserve to die for that!”

“I didn’t like their methods.” He seems distracted by the controls of his ship and she wonders if they are already on the way to their next stop on this journey of terror.

“Well, I don’t like yours,” she snaps. “Does that make your enemy too?”

He turns slowly, and as he looks at her, contemplating, she wishes she’d never said anything at all.

For babydracky:

Mordred has grown quickly, but he did not realise how tall he’s become until he stands before Arthur for the first time in ten years. Arthur seems happy enough to see him, recalls, in whispered conversations, the day he saved Mordred from losing his head but doesn’t mention the day he led his knights to the camp to kill Mordred’s people on his father’s order.

It’s hard not to hate him for it, but it’s just as hard not to love him. Mordred thinks of Morgana’s stories, told with affection and fond exasperation. He wishes, for a moment, that he ad not yet made up his mind.

When he returns the smile, his gaze falls on Emrys, standing behind his king as always, and there is no fondness to be found in the warlock’s eyes, just suspicion, a warning. Mordred smiles at him too, and turns to follow Arthur out into the field, the light reflected by the king’s armour almost leaving him blind.

The following are drabbles written for the Icon Fic Meme.

For nightrider101:

I’m going to shag the Doctor,” said Jack.

“Bullshit,” said Donna.

“I will do it, just you wait!”

“I never said I don’t believe you. I said the idea is bullshit. No one shags the Doctor. Honestly, who would want to?”

“I do. It’ll be hot.” Jack said, and went to look for the Doctor.

An hour later Donna looked through the window of Jack’s current office and saw him on the floor, with the Doctor, shagging. He’d spoken the truth: It was hot.

“It’s still a stupid idea,” Donna said to the window. “But I approve of this bullshit!”

For toadstoolcouch:

A mind meld is intimate, a proof of trust between the beings involved. A deep meld should never be forced, or be done to someone not knowing what it means.

Sybok has been raised in the house of Sarek. He knows this. Spock can only watch in despair as the man he still sees as his brother violates the most sacred law of their people. Worse, he violates Spock’s friend, reaching into his mind in search for his most painful memories. Memories of a moment McCoy had never shared with even his closest friends.

And now Sybok presents those memories for all to see. While Spock still wonders about the power his brother has obtained, McCoy falls apart before their eyes.

Spock trusts McCoy. McCoy trusts him. Still, they have never shared a meld that touched more than the surface. Now Sybok goes so much deeper than Spock ever was allowed to go, and he forces McCoy to love him for it.

Beside Spock, Jim watches and does not understand.

For sarkywoman:

Jack looked at the Doctor and knew the Doctor had not come back for him.

He knew he would not have come back for him if he had waited another thousand years.

He knew the Doctor would not stay with him, or let him stay with the Doctor.

The Doctor had become a stranger the moment he’d left him behind. The new face was fitting in its unfamiliarity. Jack looked at the Time Lord and wondered how he could trust him, like he did.

He watched him talk about the death of the universe and smile under the starless sky. The Doctor did not talk to Jack, he talked to the person standing beside him, random and exchangeable.

Jack still would have liked to stay and be that person again, for a little while.

For shinodabear:

There is a bridge, and dust that hides two men from the other world. But the dust slowly settles, revealing them like secrets, leaving them naked.

In a moment, the world changes. The past reforms as words and actions take a different meaning and their history cracks like the bridge that does not yet know it died a minute ago. They killed it, like they killed each other and themselves.

The future as they thought it to be reshuffles with the past, and dissolves in words not spoken, a blinding moment of clarity.

This has always been their final destination.

fandom: star trek, fandom: torchwood, fandom: merlin, medium: story, fandom: doctor who, doctor who era: tenth doctor, medium: drabble, fandom: tokyo babylon/x-1999

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