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Sep 06, 2007 02:57

Rasa (emotion) has 4 bhavas (stages): Sthayi-bhava, vibhava, anubhava and sancari-bhava.

Sthayi-bhava: Rati (attachment) to rasa.
Vibhava: Object of rati. It consists of asraya (shelter) and visaya (subject). Visaya has uddipana (qualities) that tempts asraya.
Anubhava: Manifest symptoms when rati is awakened.
Sancari-bhava: Joys that nourish rati.

Rasa is of 3 types: parthiva (worldly- of the body), svargiya (heavenly- of the mind) and vaikuntha (spiritual- of the soul).

Chocolate is a worldly rasa. When we have sthayi-bhava we wish to eat it. The visaya is the chocolate and the asraya is the tongue. We get anubhava when we taste chocolate and we get sancari-bhava as we continue eating.
Similarly we get heavenly rasa in relationships by being servants, friends, parents or lovers of other living beings. But both worldly and heavenly rasas are temporary and end when the body ends.
Only spiritua rasa is eternal. In spiritual rasa one develops sthayi rasa for Krishna and Krishna is the visaya and we are the asraya. Certain symptoms are manifest (anubhava) when our rati for Him increases and ends in the 33 joys (sancari-bhava) that result in the ultimate spitirual rasa. Although spiritual rasa is one it is variegated and shows up in 5 ways that we can relate to Krishna- neutral service, servitude, friendship, parenthood and love.
Let us all work for vaikuntha rasa by serving the devotees, the spiritual master and God for it is in our best interest.

Prema Pradipa by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, pgs. 67-68.
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