Mar 09, 2004 22:42
Have you ever known someone for so long, been friends with them for so long, and then suddenly, for no apparent reason...They seem like they want nothing to do with you? They dont answer what little messages you send them. They dont even bother to take the time to tell you they may be busy (Its two friggin words! "I'm busy." Just TWO, people!) at the moment? They completely ignore you, leaving you to wonder if you've done something to piss them off, or if they simply dont want anything to do with you? Well, for those of you who have gotten this kind of treatment, dont worry about it. It's probably not you. Its more than likely them. As everyone does, they've probably changed, and moved on.
But on the other hand, they're probably just being pricks.
For those of you who do this to people, you're really confusing us. And honestly, it kinda ticks us off. But what ever. I suppose you have your reasons to give someone you've known for years the cold shoulder in such a way. But I'm sick of it. So I'm not going to bother even trying anymore. I've given up, and I know when to take a fucking hint. So long. Hope your life gets better for you, and you find something that makes you happy.