Feb 20, 2004 10:47
Blah blah blah...Gay marriages...blee blee blee.
If you're really in love do you REALLY need to get married? I believe in equal rights, but not special rights. All the gays and lesbians are all in up roar about this. But if they really wanna get married, go to the court house, sign the paper, and get your liscense. It seems to me that all these people want are the benefits of being married. But I dont think that should happen because they are for a MAN and a WOMAN in the bonds of marriage(like I said, Equal rights. Not special rights). The homosexuals, in my opinion, are actually making themselves seem foolish when whining about this. There are ways to get around it. Go get your liscense, like I said, then, go get your friends, go find a sea captain, or something like that, and get married that way! Or go out of the country! Its not hard to pass the border to our friendly northern neighbors. I'm not trying to be an asshole. I'm just really sick of all the stupid bickering. There are more important things going on in the world right now than a man marrying another man. I'm sorry people, thats life.
And for those of you who dont know me, yes I am anti-homosexual, but I have a few personal reasons as to why. I dont HATE homosexuals, I just dont like them very much for the shit they've tried to pull on me, gay OR lesbian.
Thats my rant. Rude and vulgar comments will be deleted, the others my or may not get get answered.