Because I have oh so much time on my hands, I thought that maybe dunking myself into another vat of Hair-Pulling Project might be a really swell way of curbing my stress. Haha.
For the past few weeks I've been thinking about maybe taking some of the pictures I've been making and writing a short story for each one, then maybe getting it made into a book for Chooch or something. They won't really be children's stories though (sorry to get your hopes up there, Grandma) but probably more on the WTF side. I don't know, I'm probably biting off more than I can chew here, but we all know I'm not really good at thinking things through.
Usually, when I tell a lot of people I'm going to do something, I end up doing it. Mainly because I'm stubborn, and also because I hate looking like a liar. So maybe since I posted here, I'll actually feel more motivated (and pained?) to do this.
Anyway, here's some new ones that I made with that idea in mind.
<--Ha-ha, I excel at taking straight pictures.