Note: This entry is a very filtered coffee klatch of my bestest lj homies.
Whoa so look what happens, my shrink goes on a three-week cruise to the Antarctic and I end up becoming a convert to astrology. I could have saved so much money and time if I had just realized that I am in the motherfucking throes of
Saturn's Return. Thank god my new age
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I think rather than being Shiva destroyer of worlds in my real life, I'm going to write more about what I think my sexual identity is. My parents' lives together and apart pretty much soured me on life-long monogamy as the penultimate expression of love, but furtive fucks with hot strangers is equally unappealing to me. I guess in the deepest recesses of my heart and mind and loins I imagine an artists commune in Marin county. The Big Chill was also very powerful to me as a child--I loved the idea of a group of mixed friends spending a hot and heavy weekend together. Are we not men? And so forth.
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