Balki Soprano

Mar 21, 2032 00:35

Ok first off here's a link to the cutest and most adorably disturbing little video i've seen in a long time. I especially like that my favorite Red Sox player makes a sorta cameo. It's called "Valentine For Perfect Strangers" and it stars Otto the saddest feral cat you'll ever meet.

And like Pj both Julia and I have been hopelessy enslaved by a tv show that's been on the air for a few years. Yup we're trying to catch up on the Sopranos which meant starting from episode one. We've happily watched about a season every three days, not too crazy in Pj and 24 terms but still pretty good. And because its an HBO show its actually an hour. I probably don't need to say anything about the quality of this show but...well yeah its just great television all around.

Hmmm...What else? I finished 'East of Eden' on St. Patricks day and in limbo as to what I want to read next. 'East of Eden' turned out to be another one of those classics that deserves its status. Even if it is mostly biblical allegory, at least its fucking superior biblical allegory.

This just in Julis didn't 'get' the Cat video.

You be the judge.

P.S. We'll be on the Cape this weekend in a celebratory mood so be warned. We'll be down and ready to hang on friday so peace out till then.....
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